That’s how the administration of the new project pages works

Anica Samleit

The new project pages are not only giving a lot of new features to the page visitors, the administration of the project pages will change too. Everything that the project manger needs to know is resumed in this blog post. First of all: nearly all the administrative functions can be accessed directly from the new tab „administration“.

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Under Project you can edit your project, write new blog posts (that will appear under „news“), manage your photos (for example to set up the second profile picture as we explained in this blogpost), edit your organisation and delete your project (as long as there has been no donation to it). Caution: transitionally, when clicking on the different administration tools, you will be directed to the old administration pages. However, all changes will be shown immediately on your new project pages. The old administration pages will be adapted during the next weeks.

Under Donations , you can forward your project donations towards your different needs, as well as ask for the payout of your collected donations. The respectively available sum will be indicated.

Under Needs you will be able to add new needs to your project at any time.

In the future, we will put more functions in the administration tab - please be patient.

The administration of the different needs will be in the right side bar:

Bildschirmfoto 2011-11-29 um 10.57.25There you can translate your need descriptions (if you are maintaining a bilingual project) and indicate when you raised money from elsewhere. As long as there has been no donation on the need, you can also edit or delete it. From the moment a first donation has been done, editing will not be possible anymore.

If you have further questions regarding the new project pages or its administration, you can contact our support team at any time. Just send an e-mail to