Bringing betterplace to life!

Till Behnke

Now there is the “betterplace Foundation”. And there is - open for everyone. What a milestone.

During the past 18 months we have learned that to have an idea and to implement it is two different things. And there is still so much of our vision to come.

But it is the right time to open the gates. We hope that you will see the benefit of a platform where needs and support are matched. Where initiative and energy is catalysed.

Personally, I’m grateful for the many friends that have decided that this is more important than their career. And for individuals, corporations and organisations that have decided that betterplace is worth supporting.

Now, there is many options for YOU to contribute:

  • You can find the very project you want to support. And you can give in kind, your time or your money. And let me tell you: 5EUR makes a difference. If you have a paypal account, you can do that right now. We will accept your credit card and Direct Debit for German bank accounts in a few days time.
  • Spread the word and invite your friends. Start a movement. Showing your face for our idea is the greatest support. You can become a “betterplace Ambassador”: Go to “My betterplace” -> “Invite” and copy this link into an email to the people you know. Invite social projects around you and ask the marketing department of your company to create an account and include fundraising in the christmas mailings and events.
  • Use betterplace to blog and draw your picture of a better place. Connect with your friends and build the “Web of Trust”. Travel and publish your reports and do your bit to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Hope to see you on betterplace soon.
