„Can I start saving the earth today, or do I have to wait until tomorrow?


Daily people ask us what they can already do on betterplace.: “Can I donate money to this project in Bolivia, the one on the start site?”, “I know this one guy on the platform, how can I connect with the old chap?”, “Berlin is horrible in autumn, where can I volunteer next month?”, “Why can’t I turn the foto I uploaded 90° to the left?”, “Can I start saving the earth today, or do I have to wait until tomorrow?” FAQs – Frenetically Asked Questions.

The short answer: there are a number of things you can do already – at least if you are part of the illustrious circle of people we have invited before the official launch. Here is a list, as well as a list with features coming up soon. To preempt your questions: both lists are not complete.

What you can already do on betterplace: register as an invite, upload pictures (I repeat, to all those already invited: you can already upload pictures!), comment to this and that, blog, filter the projects for different criteria, look for projects, add projects, register organisations and companies, send messages internally, change the world.

What you can’t yet do on betterplace: network with other users, gather in groups, support projects in a concrete sense, follow the connection between yourself and a certain project, exchange knowledge, create a watchlist that allows you to observe the progress of your projects of choice at a glance, upload videos, feel comfortable as a project manager.

Back to work.