Communication and the art of blogging



M: “ … Here is the corrected project. As I am not yet getting the photos, I will send them from Bamenda by weekend latest. … I will finally travel tomorrow night…”


H: “ … The projects are being put onto the web site and I have been asked to shorten yours. I will do it and send it back to you in order to be confirmed by you – sorry again for all this trouble, but this is learning time for everybody. I have asked to wait for the photos of the children…”


M: “ … Yes I am already in Bamenda. I arrived last Saturday and went to the village on Sunday from where I returned yesterday evening. We have so many problems attaching photos to documents, reason why I am forwarding the one that was sent to me from Bamenda when I was still in Yaoundé… This morning when I tried to get the guy who snapped the other ones, I was told he went to Yaoundé. Please, can we work with those we have?… Good day and courage in the good work…”


H: “ … Today I am happy to be able to tell you that you could login to before the official launch in October 2007. You go to, then you use your Email address and your password. You are cordially invited to write a blog. If you find technical problems, please let us know. Describe the problems in detail, please…Good luck and start using the platform…”

    1. 2007

H: ” … Good to have you back online. I hope you had a bit of recreation back home…”


H: ”… Hope everything is ok? Back to work?…Did you have time to see better place?…”

20.9. 2007

M: “ … Thanks for all the mails … I have resumed work this morning … I will look at other issues first and then go to Better Place Web Site…”

20.09. 2007, three hours later

M: ” …I have been on the Better Place Site and I am really overwhelmed with the work you people have been doing. I am surprised to see myself there …Now, you ask me to write a blog… I also wanted to give you this reaction directly on your Better Place address, but I do not see how to do it.
Tell me, how should I do it?
Now, I really see the need of the photos I will do my best to get them. My next trip to Bamenda will be for that…”

20.09 2007, three minutes later

H: “… This is your better place too …You can write a blog direct into the site from your account. Try it…”

20.09. 2007, three minutes later

M: “What is a blog? That’s my main problem now.”

20.09. 2007, five minutes later

H: “Just a commentary about a subject you will choose with a headline which gives the content in brief. You start from your account. There is: project - blog - photos … You click blog and choose English. Good luck!”


Some minutes ago we have spoken to each other - on the telephone! This is our first blog!

Kind regards to all of you in and around better place from Mary Nyuyinwi (M) and Hannelore Knott (H): Keep on going to change the world!