What is actually happening with my money when I donate via betterplace.org?

Anica Samleit

There are more and more people using betterplace.org for doing good together. That is great! As donating is the heart our platform and because for you, our donor, we want to make the „doing good“ as easy as possible, we are constantly adapting, modifying and optimising betterplace.org. Meanwhile, there are five donatiion targets, to which you can donate: organizations, campaigns, fundraising events, projects and their project-needs.

For example we are setting up campaigns in case of emergencies or related to specific issues. For the current campaign pertaining to the famine in east Africa, we have chosen organisations that are successfully working since a long time in the region around the Horn of Africa. This choice of organisations is adapted depending on the situation. On the campaign page you are donating in a joint pool, which is used to achieve the goals of the particular campaign. In the case of East Africa for example, food, drinking water and medication have to be distributed as quickly as possible to the people there. We are regularly allocating the money that is filled inside the campaign-pool on equal terms to the needs of the different organisations.

Now we come to the more frequent receivers of donations: organisations, projects, project needs and fundraising events. Taking the example of the organisation Viva con Agua, we will show you the four different possibilities of donating and explain you what way your money is going until it reaches its destination.


Fundraising target Organisation: You think that the work of Viva con Agua deserves to be supported and you would like to contribute to their work with a little donation for the drinking water supply in developing countries. But you don’t want to commit to a specific project. You have full confidence towards the project managers of the organisation and you would like them to decide about the designated use. Then the fundraising target organisation is the right thing for you: The project manager of the organisation will direct your donation to the needs of his ongoing projects. The project manager on location will induce the payment and use the money according to the project aim.

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Fundraising target project: On your Africa trip, you saw that the drinking water supply in some areas of Burkina Faso has an urgent need of amelioration. This would be easily done with the buying of latrines and handwashbasins for example. To make a concrete step towards an amelioration of the situation on the ground, you can for example use the new map locator in order to find an appropriate project in Burkina Faso. Then you can donate directly to this project. The project manager will then distribute the project donations to one or more specific needs and induce the payment. Now the project manager can buy latrines and handwashbasins.

Fundraising target fundraising event : Your homie Björn has a particular birthday wish. He wants to contribute to the amelioration of the drinking water supply situation in Uganda and has therefore launched a fundraising event. Björn, the fundraising-event initiator, has previously chosen a project he would like to support, for example „clean drinking water for Uganda“. After some friends of him donate to the project via his birthday-fundraising event, Björn will transfer the money to the project - for example to the specific need „ renovation of a flat well“. Now a water supply well can be build from that money.

Fundraising target project-needs: Needs are the smallest pools in which you can donate on betterplace.org. Needs are specifying precisely how a project is going to be accomplished and hence closely bonded to the project. If, like Björn, you want the water supply situation in Uganda to be ameliorated, you donate for the concrete need „ renovation of a flat well“. The project manager in turn, induces the payment and realizes what you donated for.

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Now you know what happens with your money, when you donate via betterplace.org and what way your donation is taking precisely. If you have some further questions: ask us! E-mail to support@betterplace.org.