The donation button for organizations

Anica Samleit

Since January 2011 we provide a new tool for organizations: the donation button for the homepage of your organization. Practically it works like the integration of a widget at your homepage. Only instead of using the widget code you take the code of the donation button.

Best thing about this button is that you can integrate it at the facebook page of your organization, too. How that works will be explained here:

  1. Firstly, you would need to install a facebook application that works with the computer language HTML – we recommend Wildfire App. For installation, please click at ‘Install this app’. If necessary log into your facebook account and accept the assignment of permissions. Then, the application ask to which facebook page it should be added – so choose the name of your organization page and click at adding.

  2. Now you will be routed automatically to the facebook page of your organization and you need to enter your data. When done, click at ‚submit’. At the following page you act as follows: Switch ‚Fan gate’ off. Click at fans and non fans view at custom HTML. Copy the source code of the donation button into the field (you find this source code at your organization page at the right menue bar under ‚embed donation button external’). Then click at ‚save & preview’.

  3. Done! Of course you can add more text around the donation button via this application in order to make the page more detailed and beautiful. Therefore, click ‚Edit settings’. As title of the field you can choose for example ‚donate now’ or the like.

  4. Last step: now you will find at the left side of your facebook page besides the links ‘wall’, ‘info’, ‘photos’ and others the new link ‘welcome’. However, in future this link shall have the name ‚donate now’ or the like. To realize that, please click at the top of your facebook page right under its name at ‚edit page’. At the following page left click at ‚applications’ and in the list you look for ‚Wildfire iFrames for Pages’. Click under that at ‚edit settings’ and type in your prefered title, save it and – done. Good luck!