presents: donors and opinions

Anica Samleit

The biggest innovation on our new project pages is the new tab „ Donors and Opinions“. Here you can find the list of all the donors as well as the opinions (former „advocates“) and the posts of the „on site visitors“. Fitting to the politic of transparency proper to, critical opinions and critical „on site“ report will be allowed. The little thumbs showing up and down and the little numbers just beside them, give a quick overview about the exact number of positive or critical opinions. Every donor counts as a positive opinion, because we think a donation is (almost) the strongest way to argue for a project.

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Directly on this site, there will be again the possibility to ask directly a question to the project manager, or to just tell an opinion. Furthermore „on site visit reports” can be related and donations can be done directly to the project. To give an opinion or to write an „on site visit report” will be possible only for registered users of, but anonymous donating will remain possible.

When clicking on the „on site visit report“, we are furthermore asking questions about the relation towards the project, as well as details about the source and the exact dates of the visit. Doing this, we hope that each visitor can make himself a broad opinion about the worthiness of the “on site visit report”.