Support needed for over 10 million people in East Africa

Moritz Eckert

The East African states Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia are experiencing the worst drought since 60 years. More than 10 million people – including 2 million children – are affected. Especially the people in Somalia need your help: the country is exhausted after decades of war and people flee into overcrowded refugee camps. The UN Refugee Agency UNHCR refers to the situation in Somalia as the “worst humanitarian emergency” in the world.

Below, you can find some aid projects which are localized at the Horn of Africa. Just click a picture and choose a project to save the people in East Africa from starvation.

Thanks for your support!

Bildschirmfoto 2011-07-14 um 11.05.37

Day Care Centre in West Kenya

Support for refugees in Kenya

Horn of Africa drought sparks food crisis

Drought in East Africa