Get engaged – every month.

Moritz Eckert

One good deed a month: With our new feature of a monthly donation you can support an aid project not only once or occasionally, but regularly and for a longer period.

Do you have a favorite project on Take the chance and support the project on a regular base as a “monthly giver”. It is quite easy: with our new feature of a monthly donation to aid projects. You´re supporting your favorite project not only once or occasionally, but regularly and for a longer period. A monthly donation gives a long-term planning reliability to the project manager. You are continuously connected to the project as a donor. Both sides have the possibility to enjoy the good feeling of realizing even the most difficult project together.

As a “monthly giver” you will get a donation receipt at the end of the year just as if you have made a donation once. There will also be a little green “monthly giver” icon on your user profile picture soon. Showing your contribution for a better world.

Your donation goes directly to an aid project and the project manager decides in which way the donation should be used for. This tool provides more flexibility to the project manager and it maintains transparency. Your donation can now be distributed to a specific need – to the need the project manager considers most important at that time. As usual, betterplace guarantees that 100% of your donation will be forwarded. Very important to know: Your monthly donation can be cancelled at any time at “My better place” on our platform.
Are you already supporting your favorite project on a monthly base? Even the smallest monthly contribution helps the project – for example drink just one coffee less per month.

Let’s start! The first ten aid projects that receive a monthly donation will get a Flip video camera. To show where your donation is exactly used.
If you have any further questions, comments or feedback: let us know! Send an E-mail to