gourmet jour fixe

Joana Breidenbach

betterplace is about supporting people better their lives. Today we experienced the pleasure of having somebody support us - by cooking a lovely meal for our weekly jour fixe: our friend Lui, also known as Claudia, came into the office and spoiled us. Thank you!!!


(on the photo, from left to right: Janine, Samir, Lui, Nunni and Axel)

Here is a spontaneous interview with the fabulous cook:

Joana: why did you decide to donate this meal to us?

Lui: I really like the idea behind betterplace, especially the fact that people don’t stay anonymous, but get to know each other on the platform and can make a change - even if they only contribute small things. With 50 Euro I can help somebody directly. I find it very rewarding to share whatever I have and to know that it is appreciated and will make a difference in someone’s life. It’s the same with food: I can make somebody smile – in this case the betterplace team.

Joana: you have volunteered to contribute to an art project from Botswana which is featured on the platform and which needed a graphic designer. Why did you offer to do that?

Lui: I like to share my skills. I will work for a few hours on the graphic design of a programme for the event. Bonty, the person responsible for the project, will sent me all the necessary information and the two of us – without ever having met in person – will work out the details, I in Berlin, she in Maun, Botswana. I am doing something I like to do anyway and can help somebody at the same time. That’s one of the great things about betterplace: because there are so many different things on offer (or on demand) everyone can find something she or he can contribute.
