Let's Experiment

Joana Breidenbach

Since this morning we have replaced the “Dialogue” section of the betterplace startpage with “Spread the World”. In the Dialogue section all the blogposts from project managers were accessible in the order of their publication and offered a vivid insight into the work of organisations “in the field”.

Now we have exchanged this overview with Spread the World, our new page designed to increase the online traffic for betterplace projects. One great thing about the Internet is that you can do rapid prototyping, trying out new things at low cost and see whether they work or not. That’s exactly what we will do in this case. Let’s see (and measure) whether you and your network - project managers, family, collegues and friends - use these new features to promote the project of your choice. Or whether you want the old Dialogue back.

Of course, the Dialogue blogposts are still accessible in the section “Latest project report” on the homepage, as well as on the projectpages themselves.

We’ll keep you posted about this small experiment and would love to hear your opinion about it.