Log-In with Facebook - how it works:

Anica Samleit

Until today, about 600 users have merged their betterplace.org account with their Facebook profile. Compared to almost 8.000 fans on our Facebook Page, it could be many more!

The Log-In with Facebook has a couple of advantages. If you want to register on betterplace.org as a user for the first time you don’t have to go through all the steps and don’t need to search for a new profile picture, just use the Facebook picture! Once registered on betterplace.org you can Log-In with one click on the Facebook button - you don’t have to type in your E-Mail adress or password all the time. If you make a donation on betterplace.org your good deed will automatically show up as a status update on Facebook. Thereby you are telling your friends that you just made the world a better place - maybe they gonna join you!

Connect with Facebook

Connecting those two accounts is really simple - this is how it works:

Scenario 1: You don’t have a betterplace.org account yet

Go to the betterplace.org Log-In page and klick on “Log-In with Facebook”. betterplace.org pulls the inforamtion from your Facebook account into your betterplace.org profile. Go to “My betterplace” if you want to do any changes.

Scenario 2: You already have a betterplace.org account, and you are using the same E-mail address as on Facebook

Then you can also just click “Log-In with Facebook” in thebetterplace.org Log-In page. Your two accounts will be connected then.

Scenario 3: You already have a betterplace.org account, but you are using a different E-Mail address than on Facebook.

First Log-In to betterplace.org as usual, by typing in your E-Mail address and password here. Do not click on the Facebook button yet. After logging in, visit “My betterplace” and choose “Connect with Facebook” in the menu on the right. Now your two accounts are connected - no matter if you are using different E-mail addresses.

Are your Facebook friends already registered on betterplace.org? Click on “Like” and tell them about it!