March Campaign: Water

Anica Samleit

Banner-wasser_enA new month, a new campaign. During March everything is gonna be about water: From clean dringing water to irrigation systems in agriculture to sanitation – water is a broad topic and a challenge in many places in the world. We researched some exciting projects from Mosambique, Haiti, Nepal, Cameroon, India and Somalia:

Clean Drinking Water for People in Mosambique

This project aims to build wells in Mosambique – then the women would not have to carry the water all the way from the springs. The water there is of poor quality and dangerous for the health of the villagers. One well can offer 500 people 20 liters of drinking water per person each day.

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Water is Life – Purification Tablets for Haiti

The earthquake in Haiti lies already more than a behind. Still everybody remembers the pictures illustrating the impact of the destruction. Life in Haiti is not back to normal yet. Clean drinking water remains a difficulty – purification tablets can help. One tablet costs only 2 cents and can purify 20 liters of water.

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Irrigation system for 15 families

The province Kaule in Nepal has successful farmers – but the dry season makes working impossible to them. The dry season lasts from November to April each year - during this time it is impossible to grow anything. If the farmers had a irrigation system to water the fields, they could work all year round. This would result in better harvests and financial stability for the farmers family.

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Drinking Water for the Primary School Ndoknagba

Building a well on the property of the school would be a huge progress - not only for the school kids, also for the 860 villagers in the communities around. Just next to the school is the church and the marketplace, which makes the area a central meeting point. The project is only missing financial support, the workforce will be provided by the villagers themselves.

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Toilets for Indian Rural Families

Not every indian home has a toilet – in many cases they have to relieve themselves on a field closeby. Ths does not only attract Krankheitserreger, it is also dangerous and humiliating. The indian government supports families who want to build sanitation in their homes: 35 Euros are funds from the governmanet, the families have to pay 50 Euros themselves. 45 Euros are still missing for a decent toilet.

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Clean Water Saves Lifes – Red Cross Helps Somalia

The Red Cross wants to provide clean drinking water in Northwest Somalia. Together with the people from the villages they want to build Berkads – a traditional water basin. Wells would run dry because of the low groundwater level. In addition to that they want to produce water filters, which will not only provide germfree drinking water but also create new jobs.

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You can’t decide which project to go for? Just donate on our campaign-page. All donatiosn we receive there will be spli up among the introduced projects.

By the way: March 22nd is World Water Day!