The new project pages on

Anica Samleit

We have been working on it for a while, now it is done: the new project pages are to be launched within a few days. The main aim was to develop a project profile page that is more clearly laid-out and more informative. Notably the topics transparency and community involvement will be accentuated. In the same time, we simplified the administration functions of the projects to be more easy to use for the project manager.

In this and the next blog posts, we will explain to you step by step the different functions of those new project pages. We will show you what has changed, where you can find again the elements you know from the old project pages and how the administration of the new pages works.

From now on, the project overview (more info here), the news (more info here) as well as the list of the donors and opinions (more info here) will be shown on three different subpages. The switching between those subpages will happen by a simple click on the upper tabs (like shown in the screenshot):

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The right side bar (dashed and framed) gives information concerning the actual full amount of the donations , the numbers of donors, the actual financing percentage of the project and the amount of money that is needed for full financing. Below it you will find the different needs of the project.

What is probably catching your eye on the new project pages is the stronger focusing on the project photo : It is now bigger and thus more saliently placed. With a simple click on „show more pictures“ (which opens when you scroll over the picture with your mouse) a photo gallery with all the project photos will pop up.

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Henceforth you will find a little map indication right next to your main project photo. There you will find the exact location of the project. Furthermore there will be a second project picture that will give an inside in the work progress of the project.

Project managers can enter the exact location of their project by their own. For doing that, just click on „administration“, then on „edit project“ and finally on “location“ to enter the exact location of the project. Also the project manager can choose what picture they want to use as the second, smaller profile picture. For doing that they click on administration, then on „manage photos“ and choose then the second picture by putting a check mark where it is said „ use as he second smaller profile picture“. Don’t forget to save. (Attention: This will only be possible, once the new project pages are launched on

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