Not just a pretty face...

Till Behnke

Last night we had the last big deployment of before we go live in a few weeks time. Another milestone has been reached!
You can now start networking on betterplace by connecting to friends, and companies can connect to the projects that they wish to sponsor.

At first glance you will notice the new look of betterplace. Bodo has finalised the screen design, and we all voted for what we call “the exploding flower” as our logo, designed by the creative minds at PULK. They say first impressions last - and it has taken us months to define our own identity with words, with colours, and with shapes.

The white and clear screen design was the first to make it through the team’s aesthetic gateway, and also fulfilled our self-set standards of prioritising the content. What Bodo came up with is so much betterplace. Our platform will be lively and colourful through all the faces, pictures and maps. We don’t need much background colour or busy design to transport our message. betterplace is a framework - it comes to life through the content that people create.

PULK is an experienced and award winning creative network from Berlin. Their work is about quality, and daring to propose something new and non-standard. Like our new logo - it needed to grow on us - but now has become a symbol of energy. It reflects what happens when you bring a countless number of people together - all wanting to make positive change in this world. An explosion of good energy.

So you may ask what is the real purpose behind this “explosion” of energy and goodwill? The purpose is to offer the technical functionality that connects people from all over the world. Those that wish to support to those in need of receiving. And we have now come a big step closer to fulfilling this goal. People can now connect to friends on the platform and can start forming the betterplace “Web of Trust”. Companies that support social initiatives can now connect as a sponsor and thereby help to fund betterplace. This then enables us to fulfill our pledge that 100% of your private donations go directly to the projects you choose to support on the ground.

In a few weeks time we will activate the donate buttons on those projects - and you will certainly have the opportunity to be one of the first givers on