Opportunity makes the thief


Time and again I realize how “the idea betterplace” comes across as quite peculiar. Wether it’s on one of the numerous events being held on behalf of the Project Humboldt-Viadrina School of Governance, like for instance when John Wood presented his great project Room to Read to a broader public here in Berlin. Or wether it is in private when telling friends about one of our projects.

An example: yesterday I introduced betterplace and the projects already uploaded on the platform to a colleague from the Project Humboldt-Viadrina. While we were browsing through the pages she spotted a little “horses for kids project” here in Berlin that she really liked, and she spontaneously declared that she was going to contact the person responsible for the project in order to capture her impressions for other people interested in the project. It had a great live effect to it that I had to share with you all.

So long, take care,
