For project managers: how to payout your donations

Anica Samleit
15.10.2012 is continuously upgraded, therefore new functions are regularly launched. We have now set up a new payout process, with which the project manager can request the received donations. In this blogpost we will explain this process step by step.

  1. Log into and go to your project site.

  2. Inside the navigation bar on the right side, you will find the link „request payout for needs“. This link is visible on all projects, which already recieved donations ready for payout. Ready for payout means that the donations where bestowed for at least 14 days to your project (or one need) and that a minimum amount of 20 EUR (for tax deductible organizations in Germany) or 50 EUR (for non tax deductible organizations in Germany) was reached.

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  1. After opening the link, you will be directed to the summary page. There you will be able to see the total sum ready for payout. Underneath, you will be able to see how the total sum is distributed between the different needs. That is: How much money is ready for payout in each of your needs

  2. At the right side of each need, you will find the checkbox „pay out?” If you remove the check mark by clicking on it, the need will NOT be payed out and will thus be available for the next payout.

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  1. When you have chosen all needs that you want to be paid out (by putting a check mark under „pay out?“) Click on the right side on the button „Continue to check“.

  2. On the next page the total sum will that you want to request for payout will once again be shown. Furthermore the bank account details are visible to which will transfer the money.

  3. In the main part of the page you are now asked to relate how the donations are going to be used. Do you still intend to do the same compared to what you named in the description of your needs? Or are you planning to use the money for something else because of current circumstances? For example; have the prices for shovels decreased and you are now able to buy shovels and a barrow? All the more transparent you depict the use, the more valuable this mode of documentation will be for the donor. Please note that your report needs to be at least 140 characters long.

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  1. Under „tags“, you can now add key words - this step is optional.

  2. Concluding, click then on „request pay out“. On the next page your payout request will be confirmed. As soon as the money transfer has been operated, you will automatically get an e-mail confirmation. Only in that moment your blog post about the use of the donations will be published.

You still have questions? The project & organisations team will be happy to help you. Just send an e-mail to