PR / Marketing Workshop


Yesterday was a big day: all creative and strategic people gathered around one table for the first time. It was a good opportunity for our partners and supporters to finally get to know each other. Participants to this memorable meeting were: Jörg Rheinboldt (M10), Sabine Fischer, Julia Kranz and Christina Tachezy of Scholz & Friends, Iris Barth of DCFS, Axel Pfennigschmidt of the agency PULK, and betterplace’s Till, Joana, Hannelore, Stephan, Moritz, and myself.

The meeting was set out to be successful (and this not only because it was Moritz’s birthday yesterday): you could see that everyone is taking the cause very seriously - and how deep we are all already involved! Instead of sticking strictly to the agenda it turned out to be a very productive marathon brainstorming. If time hadn’t been limited we could have carried on with our discussions for days. On of the top hot topics was timing and format of the launch event.

The bottom line is: there’s a lot of work ahead of us! We are really lucky to have these strong partners (who all also have an excellent sense of humour!) by our side.