presents: the new project overview

Anica Samleit

As mentioned in our blogpost yesterday, the project profile pages on will have a makeover this week. The project overview is the core element of these new pages. Since are some major changes in comparison to the previous project pages, we will now explain all the new points one by one.

Bildschirmfoto 2011-11-28 um 13.30.18 1. Project name: on top of the project page the project name still appears. Beneath that, the project manager and (if existing) the correspondent organisation are linked.

2. Project photo: the project photo is now much bigger than on the old project pages. When scrolling over it with the mouse, information about the other photos will show up. With a simple click on „show more pictures” a photo gallery with all the project photos will pop up. You will find more information about this here.

3. Geographical location: from now on the place where the project is situated will be shown on a bigger map. Inside the map there will also be a second project photo.

4. Progress bar: also the project bar, which is giving information about the current amount of financing of the project, was enhanced and placed in a more central position.

5. Project statistic: from now on, in addition to the progress bar, there will be project statistics, showing at first view how many people already donated to the project and the exact amount that is missing for full financing.

6. Project donation: with this donation button, the project page visitors can donate directly to the project. The project manager can then decide himself to which of his needs he wants to distribute to the donations. For more details about the different ways of donating on, please have a look at this blogpost.

7. Project description: this is the box for the project description. With a click on „read more“ the full project description will open. To close it, just click on „show less“. At the end of the project description there is the new field „more information“, which covers a links to the page news of the project, information concerning the registration date and gives some more information.

8. Project carrier: if the project was registrated under the patronage of an organisation, the organisation logo will appear at this place. A click on the logo leads directly to the organisations page on

9. Donors: here the five most recent registrated donors on with an own user picture will be shown.

10. Information about the project: here, with a simple click donors and interested parties can get an answer on their questions, like the tax deductibility of their donations (only if the organization is a tax deductible in Germany) and the trustworthiness of the project. We are also indicating, that we are forwarding 100% of the money to the project manager (or carrier organisation).

11. Questions to the project manager: to guarantee a maximum of transparency, project page visitors can ask public questions. The question can be displayed in full by clicking on it. Then, if the project manager did already answer, the response will appear as well. With a click on ‘ask question’, a new question can be asked.

12. Needs: of course you can still donate to concrete needs of the project. The list of these needs is in the right side bar. A click on „see details“ will open more information about the single needs.

13. Completed needs: here you can find the full list of completed needs of the project.

14. Help to spread the project: at the end of the project page there will be 5 different ways of spreading the project: via e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or by embedding a widget on an external website.