Oversee projects in a team

Anica Samleit

Projects at betterplace.org are always represented by one project manager who is recognisable as such at each project profile. If visitors of this profile wish to, they can easily can contact him/her and ask whatever they would like to know. However, most of the projects are taken care of by more than one single person – so how to oversee a project in a team? By using our access permissions!

In advance: assigning access permissions does only work for projects that run under an organisational profile, not for individual projects. Individual projects can always and only have one responsible!
In order to be able to assign access permissions to another person, this person needs to be linked with the organisation running the project. He/she got linked by firstly adding itself as employee. To do so, he/she needs to visit the organisational profile (for example, https://www.betterplace.org/en/organisations/wwf) and click the link ‚connect myself as employee’ at the menue bar on the right hand side. This request, secondly, needs to be confirmed by the responsible of the organisational profile at betterplace.org.

Now the project manager needs to visit the project profile and click on ‚edit project’ at the menue bar at the right side of the page (don’t forget to log into your account before!). At the following page he/she needs to click at ‚permissions“:

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Thirdly, it is necessary to assign a role to each employee. The roles are ‚No access’, ‚Full access’, ‚Editor’ and ‚Admin’. Additionally, each employee can be choosen to be the contact person/project manager. But what do the single roles mean?

  • ‚No access’ is self-explanatory: the employee has no access permission to the project at all.
  • ‚Editors’ can write new blogposts and upload project photos.
  • ‚Full access’ contains the same permissions as ‚editor’ plus the right to change bank account details, add new needs, answer questions to the project and request payouts.
  • ‚Admin’ has all permissions mentioned so far plus the right to transfer all those permissions to another employee of the organisation via the link ‚permissions’

Important to know: Only the one project manager/contact person receives the automatically generated e-mails from betterplace.org that, for example, inform about new donors or comments.

What does that mean in practise? Maybe you as project manager get support by the public relations department of your organisation. The person who supports you should then be able to write new blogposts and to upload new pictures. That is why you assign him/her the role ‚editor’. If the treasurer is supposed to gain better insight into the finances of your project, you assign him/her the role ‚Full access’.

If you have further questions please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail under projects@betterplace.org.