Stanford Diaries: Where to from here?


[caption id=”attachment_248” align=”alignnone” width=”300” caption=”Online Global Markets - betterplace”]Online Global Markets - betterplace[/caption]

As each day passes, the gathering of online global markets becomes more intense and discussions dig deeper into the who we are, how do we grow and scale our market places, and how can we continue to expand and inspire our users base and sponsors? However one core issue remains to be answered: can and will our coordinated effort as global giving markets, have a larger impact on bringing about social change - and if so - how do we go about it?

These are questions that in principle we can all agree, but in practice the next steps remain unclear. Each of the 14 platforms represented, have pitched their best “business” practice - models aimed to inspire and possibly be replicated by other platforms.

Today guest speakers will be coming to share their experiences, open the discussion on the challenges to next stage of development, and hopefully, try to answer some key questions - primarily - where, as a group, do we take it from here?