The and FLIP video contest

Becky Crook

So, you always wanted to show your supporters how you are changing the world with your betterplace project? Now’s the chance, with the and FLIP video contest. Not only do we provide a FLIP camera to get the job done, but we will also premiere the best film and provide professional consultation to help structure your project.

Are you picturing a film-report of your project? A portrait of someone who directly profits from your work? Or a collage of interviews? Whatever your idea may be, convince us about it on a maximum A4-sized paper and send it to us by 25 May. Describe the story, how you plan to portray it, and why it will be interesting for your viewers.

We are looking for films that are not only entertaining, but also seek to change the world. Therefore, your ideas should fulfil the following criteria:

  • Your project must be registered on
  • The film must document the impact of your projects in some way
  • And, since no project is perfect, show us at least one weak spot of your project, as well as ideas for possible solutions.

The jury will choose the ten best concept descriptions that are received by May 25, 2010. Selected projects will receive two FLIP cameras each to implement the filming. The chosen projects can keep the cameras and use them to document further project work in the future!

We will provide guidance about where to find the best Internet resources for video filming and editing. The finished films—no longer than 3 minutes in length—will be posted online on August 15 at where betterplace members can vote for their favourites. The winner project will be rewarded with a professional, comprehensive consultation. Depending on your geographic location, we will provide consultation by selected specialists over an Internet seminar (a “webinar”) or at a workshop in Berlin. The exact topic of focus can be decided on together by the winning project and the consultant, but the main point is: it helps to improve your project.

Send us your ideas: The deadline for descriptions is 25 May to

We will send two cameras to each of the ten best ideas. You can keep the cameras for future use too! You will then have until the 15 August to produce your films and send them to us.

Here you can find all the information in a pdf that you can print and post. betterplace is looking forward to your ideas!