The five best ways to fundraise successfully via

Anica Samleit

Have you just registered your very first project at Or are you already an old school betterplacer who did not receive much funding yet? No worries, in this blog you find five hints how to make your fundraising project a success.

1. Inform everybody you know about your fundraising project!
Your project profile at is online – now you definetly should spread the word about it. Talk to all those persons that have been donating already and to all those that you know as interested in your work. Call their attention to your new tread at, ask them to leave comments as advocates or visitors and/or to make a (little) donation. The easiest way to solicit them so is by sending a personal e-mail or – if you have one – a newsletter with a corresponding announcement.

2. Link your project with your homepage
People interested in your work do visit your website. That is why right at your homepage there should be a link that leads to a donation possibility at Even better would be an integration of your or donation button at your homepage. How that works is explainedin detail here.

3. Advertise offline, donate online
Even if you don’t have the email address of each interested person and each donor: more than 70 percent of your potential donors are online (numbers apply to Europe and the US). Thus, point to your presence at, for example, in your next printed newsletter, flyer or printed info letter. Then everybody can decide for him/herself how to donate best – offline or online via

4. Social media? For sure!
More and more people are using social networks such as facebook - doubtless some of the people interested in your project as well. So advertise your betterplace project in the web2.0. If you have a facebook fanpage you can even integrate our donation button or widget there.

5. Donating without cash?
Donatiting without cash is possible at our platform as well. Besides monetary donations you can ask for donations in kind and/or in time, depending what you need precisely. Maybe thats also a way to get your followers engaged. Check out what others have asked for.