They are everything but still: Our experts share their experience concerning water and food

Joana Breidenbach

It sounds banal, but it’s vital: agriculture requires water. And people need agriculture to have full stomachs.

It’s difficult to find an area of human life that is untouched by water. The areas affected by water problems vary so radically, as do their solutions. In our new water-portalour experts describe their experiences in the realm of water and food:

Lena Partzsch, water expert from the work group GETIDOS (“Getting things done sustainably”) at Greifswald University, provides a situation update and challenges users to do some serious rethinking.

Tread at the bottom, pump at the top: The Money Maker Irrigation Pump from the organisation Kickstart sounds enticing. Almost 100,000 small farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa have already invested in the technology. Rightly so?

Work like an Egyptian: exploitative working conditions can be reduced through a combination of educational and health measures. That’s what SEKEM is doing.

To improve groundwater levels, the Indian initiative “Barefoot College”uses rainwater. Other lands are now adopting this exemplary model.

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