Wanted: Sustainable Tourism Projects

Joana Breidenbach

IMG_0533Teatime in a community based bed&breakfast in the Pamir Mountains, Kyrgystan

Tourism, environmentalism, poverty reduction and the protection of cultural heritage don’t have to be at odds. They can even complement each other. The German Travel Association is looking for tourism projects, which not only operate in an environmentally friendly way, but are also integrated into local societies, serving them ecnomically and culturally.

Do you know such projects or do you run one yourself? If so, please participate in the Ecotrophea International Environmental Award 2009.

Check out the conditions of participation
(btw. the final date of entries has been extended to the 15th of October 2009)

And while we are talking tourism, please note, that we at betterplace.org also welcome all tourism projects which empower local communities, such as this one here in Sansibar.

Please post your tourism project on the platform, as many betterplacers are interested in these projects, either as visitors or as donors. Once a few good tourism projects are presenting themselves, we are going to draw the attention of the whole betterplace community to them by featuring them in our blogs or newsletters.