Welcome back, Nunni!


It’s great to have Nunni back after a much-deserved break.As I saw her this morning, I couldn’t help think how different the site will seem to her after a two week absence.

Nunni and I started uploading the new projects when they came in.It was exciting to receive them as strangers, sift through the content, become familiar with each of them and then reach a point when – for me at least – they all seemed so familiar.

Of course, as it goes, everything seemed to be happening at the same time.We received these projects and wanted to upload them at precisely the same time as the new version of the website was being deployed, and then tweaked.So, after some days of becoming enthralled with uploading the projects and realising that not everything was working as smoothly as could be on the site, I needed to do some serious site testing.One day testing, one day “projecting” – half day testing, half day “projecting”, an hour here, an hour there… until the boundaries were so blurred I’d be getting lost on the test site looking for real projects and about to write a test comment in response to somebody’s real blog…

With the project uploads being almost complete, and the “tweaking” becoming more severe, I spent more time on the test site.After a few days away I went onto the real site to do something and felt as though I’d totally lost touch with what had been going on.Things seemed to move so fast.“MY” projects had changed; photos removed, needs edited, blogs posted.

So, back to Nunni’s return, I’m anxious to hear if she feels the same way I felt after I’d been “away” for a while.Is she paging through the site to see what’s new?Is she breezing over every word and noticing the spaces?Do the photos look different?

My preoccupation with all these projects is becoming really interesting to me.I find myself researching areas spoken about in long descriptions and hoping for a new update.I even find myself thinking about them when during my leisure time (it’s a great thing I’m not a social worker.) It’s starting to feel like an addiction.But then, it’s got to be the best addiction out there!Welcome back, Nunni!
