Collect money the simple way: the widget on your homepage

Anica Samleit

Bildschirmfoto 2011-11-02 um 12.14.57Have you registered a project or would you like to raise more public attention towards it? Then make your project visible at your/your organizations homepage. This can be done easily with the widget.

The widget looks like a little display window: it shows the profile photo of your project, its title and the current level of donations. By only one click on the widget the visitor of your homepage will be transferred straight to your project profile. At the left hand you see a widget example.

You can integrate it into your homepage by only a few clicks:

  1. Log into your account and visit the page of your project.

  2. Click at ‚invite network’ in the right navigation bar. If you are not the project responsible this link is named ‚spread the project’.

  3. Scroll down the following page until point 4 ‚Via widget’. There you will find the source code that beginns with “<iframe”. Now copy the entire code and enter it at the favored place at your homepage. Done. If you don’t know how to do so ask your website manager. At the website of the organization Skateistan you can get the idea how it looks like in the end.


By the way, you can also intergrate a widget at your facebook fan page. How? Simple: Instead of using the widget code you take the code of the donation button. More info on this matter can be found in this blogpost.