With Payback, you can now support small and large aid projects

Joana Breidenbach


Press Release from December 14. 2009

For the first time in Germany, Payback – together with the donor platform betterplace.org – has made possible a completely new method of online donations.

Sponsorship for a bed in the Children’s hospital Bärenherz in Leipzig; dyslexia educational assistance for the children from socially impoverished families at Lichtblick Hasenbergl in Munich, School books for children living in the largest slum in Kenya – whether it’s an aid project in a local region in Germany, or a far-away foreign hotspot, millions of Payback members are now able to do good with their collected points. In the newly created Payback Donation World, members can choose to allocate their collected Payback Points to go 100% toward concrete aid projects. Members first select a project to support from among the many options and follow the directions online.

The Payback Donation World was designed and implemented with betterplace.org know-how. “We were won over by the revolutionary donation philosophy of betterplace.org,” said the Payback CEO Burkhard Graßmann. “With this concept, Payback is taking a pioneering role in the donation sector. The platform enables that which donors today wish for: personal, concrete and comprehensive aid,” according to donor expert and betterplace.org CEO Till Behnke.

Donors can see for themselves how their points are directly transformed into good on-site use, without bureaucratic hindrances and red tape. In contrast to anonymous donor accounts, the collected Payback points don’t all go into one big pot. Rather, each Payback member has before them the individual, concrete projects, initiated and implemented by real people who are available as references to the work being done. This is how projects are able to be created. And this is how the interactive Payback Donation World allows its members to take initiative to be a part of this good work themselves. The certification of non-profit status is a prerequisite for starting a project.