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Tills Desert Run For Water

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Desert Run for Water - Your Support

Till S.
Till S. schrieb am 17.04.2013

Dear Supporters,

You are amazing!!! You donated more than 1'000 EUR for ViVA CON AGUA's water management project in Northern India.

As seven euros will give one person in the project area access to water, the donated 1'000 EUR will help to provide more than 140 people with sustained access to water!

Thank you also for all your encouraging words before, during and after the 230KM my desert run "Marathon des Sables". I have just successfully finished it. It was an unforgettable event, which challenged me physically and mentally to the extreme. I ran through unbearable heat, over rocky hills and never-ending sand dunes. Whenever I was completely exhausted I thought about all you supporting people around, which helped me to push myself further until the finish line.

You can read some of my stories of the race on my facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Desert-Run-for-Water/519697851383666

Now, the event is finished, the actual "run for water" is not. Access to water will continue to play a very importand role in the world. Therefore, I am proud that we are all already contributing to the development of water access and will continue to do so.

All the very best,
