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wird verwaltet von R. Njagi

Über uns

Youth for life-Kenya was founded in Kenya in the year 2004 as Non-Profit Organization. The main goal of youth for life Kenya is to facilitate the development of capacities of individuals and groups in such a way as to improve the quality of their lives. The priority target group of Youth For Life-Kenya is the youth; children and young men and women between 10 and 35yrs.
Youth For Life-Kenya recognizes and appreciates the potential and assets inherent in young people. Her Endeavour is to promote the creation of an enabling environment in which youths are able to showcase their capabilities and to advocate for and provide accessible opportunities through which the youths can be involved in finding solutions and to acquire the needed knowledge and skills.
Africa is experiencing poverty perhaps as a result of poor governance,, among other factors, together with the AIDS Pandemic where, youths are confronted with the reality of early death, growing up as orphans, faced with unemployment in circumstances where extreme poverty has entrenching itself. Faced with these realities many young men and women resort to violence, drug abuse, prostitution and general careless sexual lifestyles. However in spite of all these challenges Youth For Life-Kenya’s past experiences have underscored the value of recognizing young people as assets rather than liabilities and involving them in the improvement of the qualities of their lives. Finally Youth For Life-Kenya recognizes that the future of this country Kenya depends so much on the kind of youth we are grooming today.


Athi-River Platinum Plaza

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