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WCTAG hilft e.V.

wird verwaltet von U. Kramer

Über uns

Die World Chen Taijiquan Association Germany (WCTAG) hilft e.V. ist Deutschlands größter Tai Chi - Verband, der seit 2004 erfolgreich Kinderhilfsprojekte in Sri Lanka und Brasilien unterstützt. Unser Ziel ist es, Straßenkindern aus extrem armen Regionen gezielte Bildung zu ermöglichen, um ihre Lebenssituation nachhaltig zu verbessern.

Unsere kleinen lokalen Projekte bieten schutzlosen Straßenkindern einen sicheren und behüteten Wohnraum, in dem sie mit Nahrung, Kleidung und medizinisch versorgt werden. Die Kinder wachsen in einer gefährlichen Welt auf, die von Gewalt und Drogen geprägt ist. Unsere qualifizierten Mitarbeiter nehmen sie liebevoll auf und betreuen sie psychologisch. Bildung bedeutet für uns vor allem:

- Allgemeinbildung
- die Vermittlung humanitärer Werte
- die Entwicklung von Selbstwertgefühl und Selbstvertrauen
- die Förderung des ökologischen Bewusstseins.

Bildung und sportliche Betätigung fördern den Einklang zwischen Körper und Geist und sind die tragenden Säulen unserer Arbeit. Bildung ist der Schlüssel zu Frieden, Wohlstand und einem langfristigen Wandel einer jeden Gesellschaft. Erst durch Bildungschancen bekommen Menschen die Perspektive und die Möglichkeit, ein selbstbestimmtes Leben zu führen. Bewegung hilft den Kindern, ihre Aggressionen zu kompensieren, Körpergefühl zu entwickeln und erstmals Anerkennung zu erfahren.

WCTAG hilft e.V. wird unter anderen von der Friedrich-Wilhelm und Brigitte Werner Stiftung und dem dazugehörigen Unternehmen Bijou Brigitte modische Accessoires AG unterstützt.


Brasilien – Insel der Kinder

Im brasilianischen Bundesstaat Bahia haben wir das Straßenkinderprojekt „Insel der Kinder“ aufgebaut. Mehr als 90 Kinder und Jugendliche besuchen täglich die Tagesstätte, in der sie lernen und sich erholen können. Sie erhalten neben gezielter Allgemeinbildung wie Alphabetisierung und Englisch zusätzlichen Nachhilfeunterricht. Auch nehmen sie an verschiedenen sportlichen, künstlerischen und kulturellen Aktivitäten teil, die ihnen helfen, ihre Persönlichkeit zu entwickeln und ihr Selbstvertrauen zu stärken. Denn die Kleinen sind schon in frühen Jahren auf sich selbst gestellt und viele haben traumatische Erlebnisse zu bewältigen.

Sri Lanka – Patenschaften und Mönchsschule

Als der Tsunami 2004 die Welt in großes Elend riss, verloren viele Familien im Süden Sri Lankas nicht nur Angehörige, sondern ihre gesamte Lebensgrundlage. Die Infrastruktur ist noch heute prekär und es existieren kaum Einkommensmöglichkeiten. Mit unseren 50 Patenschaften helfen wir den Kindern aus dem verlassenen Dorf Salyapura, die in großer Armut leben. Wir versorgen die Menschen mit Wasser, Nahrung und Kleidung sorgen dafür, dass die Kinder regelmäßig die Schule besuchen können.

In einer kleinen Mönchsschule haben weitere 50 Waisenkinder mit Hilfe des WCTAG hilft e.V. ein neues Zuhause gefunden. Sie bekommen eine qualifizierte Ausbildung, erfahren Halt und Vertrauen und wachsen in einem geschützten Umfeld auf.

Letzte Projektneuigkeit

Newsletter WCTAG Hilft 2024 - 4th Quarter

  U. Kramer 



What an incredible year we have experienced together! Every achievement reached, every challenge overcome, all of it was only possible because you believed in us and stood by our side. You are the beating heart of our mission, and we find it hard to put into words just how much your trust and generosity mean to us.

With Christmas around the corner, we renew our hope to accomplish even more. This is the moment to come together once again and turn signs of affection into real impact. Your donation, made through the link below, will be the fuel that helps us continue writing inspiring and transformative stories.


We would like to share with you the achievements and special moments of 2024. Each of these moments is the result of our efforts and teamwork, which inspire and strengthen us daily to become even better.

The children’s festival was an unforgettable day, full of games, storytelling, gifts, and a delicious meal. Every activity was designed to create joy and connection, and foster an atmosphere of happiness and hospitality. The children had so much fun and experienced a day that will remain in their memories forever. The impact of this event was enormous, bringing moments of happiness and unity to all those involved.






Our year-end children's presentation was an event full of affection and community, marking the end of another year filled with great activities. During the celebration, we had the opportunity to share the results of the workshops and courses conducted throughout the year. Children and young people touched everyone with their theater, music, and art performances, showing their talents and the dedication with which they participated in the activities.






It was an honor for us to welcome Master Jan Silberstorff, one of the two founding members of the Island of Children as well as the international umbrella organization WCTAG Hilft, to our project and to our year-end children's presentation. He regularly visits the organization to see the results of the workshops and the work we do. Our children were thrilled and beamed with joy at his presence, and he watched everything with shining eyes and pride. We also thank our sponsors, Brigitte and Friedrich-Wilhelm Werner, whose continuous support is so important for the development and sustainability of the Island of Children organization.






We successfully participated in the BTG-Soma Educação program! Out of more than 400 organizations in Brazil, the "Island of Children" was selected to take part in an entrepreneurship consulting program. The invitation came from one of the largest Latin American banks, BTG Pactual, and the educational organization Ago Social. After months of intense learning and personal development, we successfully completed the training. It has equipped us with many important tools to continuously improve our organization. Now we are putting what we have learned into practice, with the goal of doing even more professional work and sustainably helping more children, young people, and families. This is a milestone that strengthens our commitment to shaping a fairer and more promising future!






We are deeply grateful for the wonderful initiatives from the students of the University of Uniasselvi, who made "Solidary Christmas 2024" an unforgettable moment for the Island of Children. Thanks to this campaign, more than 70 children received toys and school supplies, filling their days with joy and lighting up our hearts with hope. It was moving to experience the teamwork and solidarity that brought so many people together to make this dream come true. We sincerely thank all those involved, including the partner companies that believed in the cause. You made a real difference by turning Christmas into a moment of magic and renewal for our children.






Our second beach cleanup action of the year was a true symbol of commitment and environmental awareness. Students, parents, and supporters worked side by side, not only transforming the landscape but also strengthening the sense of unity and collective responsibility. We were filled with pride to see the enthusiasm of the students, the commitment of our partners, and the unconditional support of everyone involved, which renewed our hope for better days. We thank everyone who was part of this journey and strengthened our commitment to environmental protection and our community once again. Together, we are building a more sustainable future!






We had an inspiring afternoon with our youth, Alex and Inês, who hosted the open studio tours at Sacatar with so much dedication and enthusiasm. The partnership with Instituto Sacatar gave our young people the opportunity to experience and share the creative process with impressive artists such as Ann Mary Gollifer, Dazaun Soleyn, Fernanda Costa, Geralyn Shukwit, Helene Bertin, and Julien Discrit. This experience strengthened our community by bringing new cultural and artistic perspectives. We sincerely thank the Instituto Sacatar and the artists for their generosity in sharing their works with us, which broadened our horizons and inspired everyone involved.






Throughout the year, we have experienced groundbreaking moments that reaffirm the importance of each and every one of you on our journey. Whether through financial support, partnerships, encouraging words, or other help – each gesture has enabled us to strengthen our work and reignite the hope of many children and their families.


Thank you for joining us on this journey! You turn dreams into reality and motivate us to continue having a positive impact on our community.

Here's to a 2025 filled with more successes!

With heartfelt greetings,

Team Island of Children.




Rendsburger Str. 14

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