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wird verwaltet von Selasi Koffi A.

Über uns

Rescue Aid Foundation (RAF) is a non-profit Christian Humanitarian Organization that believes there is hope for every rural child and family. Our main focus is on rural Ghana and over the past years, we have contributed our quota to national development in the rural sector. We major in Education and Water & Sanitation. We are a registered as a legal humanitarian organization in Ghana with registration number: G-24,086.

Education: We construct schools for rural communities, construct libraries for rural communities and we receive volunteers and teams from Europe and everywhere to volunteer with this.

Water & Sanitation: We construct KVIP for rural communities, we hold rural sanitation programs as an advocacy thing for rural communities and we either drilling bore-holes or construct water plants for them. Clean and portable drinking water provision is our speciality and we also receive volunteers and experts in this field to help.



Selasi Koffi A.

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