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Act of Random Kindness Foundation International

wird verwaltet von ACT OF RANDOM KINDNESS F.

Über uns

1. To build a place where anyone especially the people in our community can keep up with the current events that affects the poor in the society. A place for us to come together and organize and make a stand, for the love of the poor (people).
2. To meet with the challenges of the climate change.
3. Agriculture.
4. To inculcate the spirit of volunteerism and humanitarian services in members and the society at large by organizing seminars, workshops and campaigns etc.
5. To inculcate in members, qualities of self-discipline, selfless services and development problems in our society.
6. To create awareness to Kenyans and the International Communities on the benefit of human empowerment.
7. To also enlighten the masses on health matters especially on case of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, cancer and other killer disease.
8. To carry out all activities that involve human development in terms of skills, talents etc. in any field of human endervour.
9. To meet with the challenges of Education
ACT OF RANDOM KINDNESS FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL shall be Registered under the laws of the Federation of Kenya and its office shall be situate in Nigeria
1. To generate, organize and disseminate vital data/up-to-date information on health matters, gender inequalities and child labour/abuse, empowerment crusade using multi-media.
2. To rehabilitate and equip victims of child labour/abuse.
3. To mobilized and motivate stakeholder at all levels to respond to the challenges posed by development of human beings to their full capacity an abuses of human rights.
4. To publish materials to sensitize local, regional and global public about the development of human skill/talents, gender equality and the observation and respect for the rights of children.
5. To assist local farmers with our areas of jurisdiction of programmess that could enhance their farming activities via seminars, workshops.
6. To encourage pupils, students etc. in their educational pursuits.
7. To meet with programmes of the MDGS, United Nations, Unicef, Usaid and other international organizations.


27 tar yu street gboko south
benue state


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