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wird verwaltet von Valeria S.

Über uns

EcoViso focuses its work on empowerment and environmental education and action as well as social entrepreneurship.

The working fields are primarily organic agriculture, waste management and prevention, community building, transportation, energy efficiency, renewable energies, consumer awareness, urban/rural development and resource flows.

Letzte Projektneuigkeit

I triggered a payout for these needs:

  Valeria S.  20. September 2016 um 11:40 Uhr

The construction team has started laying the foundation for the larger building of the training center in August! That's exciting, but that's a lot of work and now a lot of resource expenditures are coming up. We hope to get as much as possible done till winter and continue in spring 2017. 


A donation amount of €558.50 was requested for the following needs:

Lime for natural plastering €143.00 Jobs for local rural women €115.50 Flip-chart stands €300.00


Mateevici 71, of. 5a