The crocodile
wird verwaltet von L. Colson
Über uns
The Crocodile is a self-organized, grass root refugee women initiative against female genital mutilations (F.G.M) based in Dortmund. It is grounded by Bintou Bojang, who explains "I call it a crocodile because it was a promise of going to kill the crocodile, not knowing that I was going to go through." The aim of this network is "to call every woman who have undergone fgm to come up and break the culture of silence. Lets speak out to the world to hear us, let us save the young generation from been cut like us" and call them to join us for increased funding for education and protection programmes which can prevent girls from being cutted and forced into early marriage in Germany and in Africa. It is also a struggle to bring the German governement to give asylum to these women who fled because of their refusal of these practices, and to let them live a safe, autonomous life anywhere they chose to settle. The organisation is only supported by a few voluntary women and doesn't have any finances. The network is there, the will is there, there must be a way!
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Citytrain tickets Dortmund<->Bochum (5,50€) 70,00 €Tickets Berlin-Dortmund for L. and M. 91,00 €Kontakt
Enscheder Straße 11-13
L. Colson
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