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CNA - Centre for Nonviolent Action

wird verwaltet von Nenad V.

Über uns

We endorse the principle “live what you preach”.
CNA’s mission is the building of sustainable peace in the region of former Yugoslavia through the promotion of nonviolence and dialogue, and through the trust building among individuals and groups, as well as constructive dealing with the past.
We have been striving to achieve a society of sustainable peace where the development of critical thought, taking responsibility for society and community, the encouragement to reassess one’s own attitudes and the acceptance of the diversity are cherished.
We are open for dialogue with all who desire dialogue and willing to cooperate with those with whom we share visions and values of nonviolence, culture of dialogue, constructive criticism and struggle against injustice.
Our focus is on regional cooperation as the crucial precondition for the lasting and sustainable peace in the region of former Yugoslavia.
In our readiness to change, develop, learn and adjust ourselves to the demands of the real needs of our societies, not the demands of donors and “real-politik.”

With our work we want to foster and encourage the promotion of peace as a basic social value and dismissal of war and violence as ways to solving conflicts. Dealing with the past in the region of former Yugoslavia has been the focus of our interest.


Kranjčevićeva 33
Bosnien und Herzegovina

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