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This Little Light of Mine

wird verwaltet von Lemuel S.

Über uns

There is a spark within each of us.

Each spark is unique, but each is meant to shine just as bright. The spark has been called many things: our dreams, our purpose, our bliss. It’s the spark that gives us our unique talents, ignites our passions and pulls our hearts in crazy directions. Our light is meant to be shined bright and shared with the world to make it a brighter place.

Letzte Projektneuigkeit

I triggered a payout for these needs:

  Lemuel S. 

My friend has a project where she is bringing school supply packages to kids at an orphanage on Easter Island, in Mindanao.

While there, she will play games and encourage the children to continue their studies.

Your donations will be used to buy the school supplies for the children at the orphanage.

Thank you once again for your kindness and generosity. It goes a long way towards helping these children to dream and to chase after those dreams.


A donation amount of €110.00 was requested for the following needs:

Food €110.00


19 Salvage St.

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