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Stave House

wird verwaltet von betterplace-Team

Über uns

Stave House is a method of teaching children to read, write and play music created and developed by music teacher Ruth Travers. It uses a magnetic board and magnetic characters to represent the notes on the stave, and the children learn musical notation through stories, games and songs. It has been successfully implemented in primary schools throughout the UK and abroad. Stave House is accredited and certificated by the London College of Music /University of West London. Learn more at www.stavehouse.co.uk

Letzte Projektneuigkeit

Cancellation of project


Dear donors,

the project was cancelled by the project manager Violeta Ruano respectively by the organisation Stave House. The cancellation of the aid project is effected according to paragraph 7.5.2. of our terms and conditions for organisations and projects without tax advantages. In case you have any questions you can contact us via support@betterplace.org.

Best regards

Your betterplace.org-team  



433 Beehive Lane
Vereinigtes Königreich


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