Pledge Ghana
wird verwaltet von J. Nabin
Über uns
Pledge Ghana is an acronym for Planned Livelihoods for Economic Development and Global Equity. This is a gender/child-centered, economic/development-oriented, research-base non-profit non-governmental organization formed in Ghana. Pledge Ghana is established to provide a collaborative and coordinated response to build, promote and sustain household livelihoods
Pledge Ghana is incorporated under the registrar of companies in Ghana, with Certificate number, CG013522012 and commencement certificate number C0000665142. Pledge Ghana is recognized to operate as a non-profit NGO with certificate number DSW/5927.
Pledge Ghana is headed by a 7 member board also known and called, the executive council. They include, 1: Professor Safo Kantaka, (Council President) of Pledge Ghana, 2: Madam Victoria Nyande (Member) Educationist and proprietors of VICANDY Cluster of Schools, Tanoso Kumasi. 3: Mr David Atiga (Director of Finance) Auditor and accounting consultant 4: Rev' Dr. Daniel Yinkah Sarfo, (Member) Bishop of the Anglican Church Kumasi, 5: Mr. Joseph Nabin Nakpan (Director of Operations), former employee of Kuapa Kokoo Farmers Union and the Department of Social welfare, 6: Dr. Mrs. Grace Ayamba, (Member) and Medical Superintendent of Nyinahin Government Hospital. 7. Dr. John Poku (Member) and Dean of Kumasi Polytechnic
Pledge Ghana is organized for the optimal attainment of its corporate objectives. Thus the ultimate responsibility for policy formulation resides in the General Assembly. Reporting directly to the General Assembly is the Executive Council.
The administration of the organization is grouped under two divisions; the Operations Division and the Finance Division both headed by Directors. Directly under these divisions are four departments; the Projects Department, Public Relations Department, Accounts Department and the IT Department. These departments are all staffed with qualified and competent professional men and women in their respective fields. In all, there are 4 females and 5 males on the staff list of Pledge Ghana. We also enlist the services of consultants in good standing as and when the need arises.
At the base of the structure is a volunteer system that consolidates the agency’s efforts through cash or kind assistance services rendered by benevolent individuals and organizations including community stakeholders.
Letzte Projektneuigkeit
OSH Ausbildung der Wander Jugend und Kinderarbeiter aus dem Norden von Ghana in Ejisu Juabeng Municipal
The pilot project started implementation of the capital Ejisu Juaben Municipal in Ejisu. A total of 72 migrant workers, majority who were adolescents and children workers, were registered. 22 of these workers have identified children under the age of 16 in the first month. By the second month, the number increased to 78 young people with children 25 Numbering orientation workshop on "Child labor and occupational safety" was therefore organized for them. During registration, the workshop participants, it became clear that all these migrant workers in the Ejisu Juaben Municipality spoke a common language and all came from Lambussie Karni District in the Upper West Region of Ghana.
abuse by members of the public to suffer is felt their security threatened by the presence of this machete and hoe wielding migrant workers. They argued also facilitate with partners, register of the safe, secure and permanent center for them off road and further assured authorities that this would allow them and to regulate their activities a responsible manner. They also understood that it was the need to ensure that the children needed among them trades to learn and acquire skills for their development away from child labor, if not education. At this time, had been the trust between the implementing partners and the payee. The 25 child laborers were several
taken advice. As planned, you need the program in three communities (Hamile, Ferrmon and piinah) to activate all the Lambussie Karni District was imperative. This was to facilitate smooth repatriation and rehabilitation of children and properly integrate them into their communities.
This is also required to assess and validate the forms of social and economic benefits through the needed families in the source communities (Lambussie Karni District) to forestall possible back thrusts. A platform to raise awareness and to discourage other Tobe migrant children will also be mapped in the project document.
P.O.Box FNT305