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Organization for Green Education

wird verwaltet von S. Wang'ombe

Über uns

You probably have ever asked yourself what can be done to the seemingly perpetual problem in Africa; I have on several occasions asked myself this very question. The beauty of it all is that instead of sitting and wondering what can be done, we all have the opportunity to do something towards solving the problem.

The founding president of the Republic of Kenya, the late Jomo Kenyatta had a vision for the nation and the people of Kenya. He summarised the African problem in three words….ignorance, poverty and disease. Ignorance is brought about by lack of proper mechanism and structures to promote access to and quality of education and other knowledge resources. There lacks motivation towards innovation due to over-reliance on formal jobs; this has caused a shortage in the formal sector leading to high rates of unemployment.

Unemployment leaves the victims vulnerable to different winds blowing their way carrying the faintest whiff of financial freedom. Many of the leaders mentioned earlier understand the vulnerability of such people and capitalise by making them cadres in their tribal platoons and use them as expendable resources in their quest for even greater power and wealth. And so the cycle continues from one generation to the next, only becoming worse as it progresses

OGE (Organization for Green Education), is an initiative geared towards developing the next generation of leaders by providing financial assistance to needy but promising students from all educational levels to enable them access quality education in their respective countries while building in them the leadership qualities needed to further the African dream.

The objective of this initiative is to develop responsible and accountable leaders by inculcating in the OGE beneficiaries’ leadership values, promote responsible stewardship of the resources available and develop African solutions to African problems.


Waiyaki Way

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