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Center for Youth Education and Economic Developmen

wird verwaltet von Sophie N.

Über uns

Centre for Youth Education and Economic Development (CYEED) is a grass root development organization serving as a community resource center for technical training and education working to empower youths especially girls and young women towards achieving their development objectives. This community center promotes education for sustainable development, enhances youth welfare issues, human rights education for women and girls especially needy orphans, indigenous children and vulnerable youths.
It creates a forum for youths and women to convene and learn, share and exchange information on women’s priority issues highlighting the Beijing Declaration and Platform for action, the Post 2015 SGD, Universal Declaration of human rights especially women and girls rights, Conventions relating to children’s rights, Gender issues, Science,Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM), Access to potable water and WASH facilities .
It also promotes synergy, communication and leadership to lift up other women and celebrate them in order to inspire the life of other women by sharing success stories and ensures opportunities for women including indigenous women to participate in decision making at all levels .
• To enhance professional skills through practical training in technology development.
• Provide information and orientation to youth especially in the technical industrial sector.

Letzte Projektneuigkeit

Donations that cannot be used for the project

  (Gelöschtes Mitglied)  24. Februar 2017 um 17:32 Uhr

Dear donors,
when managers of a project haven't requested a payout over the course of a longer period, the German law and our terms of use provide that we (gut.org gemeinnützige AG, operator of betterplace.org) use the money for our tax-deductible purposes. The same applies to the cancellation of a project, where the manager of the project is unable to realize it.

Therefore we will use these donations for the following purposes

Thanks for your support,
the betterplace.org-team




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