wird verwaltet von Jean Claude W.
Über uns
In March 1999, a group of rural development specialists met in Bambili, Mezam Division of the NW Region, under the initiative of Mr. Jean Claude Wafo Fotso , discussed and agreed to form an association of volunteer persons who could put their head and means together to improve the conservation, development and promotion of sustainable management techniques of human, natural resources and environment in order to help reduce poverty and improve the living standards of the needy and marginalized poor.
The name “Volunteer Group for Agro-Silvo-Pastoral Development was adopted as a non-profit, non-political and non-religious N.G.O for development set up in March 1999 and legally recognized in October 2001. In conformity with the OHADA ’s Uniform Act on Associations, Cooperative Societies and Common Initiative Groups, VOGASPAD also obtained the status of a Company Limited from the Bamenda court of first instance in April 2009 and known as “VOGASPAD Lted". Her head office is in Bamenda
Cow Street, Nkwen
P O Box 87