Hope e.V.
wird verwaltet von Magdy Morkos
Über uns
We believe that making a difference begins with enabling individuals and societies. Giving those who are in need a chance in life, where they can become effective people and help their societies in return. For those who come from need cherish the opportunities that they are given.
Within this context hope is currently focusing on:
- Education
- Sustainable Projects
- Clean and renewable energy
Letzte Projektneuigkeit

Donations that cannot be used for the project
Dear donors,
when managers of a project haven't requested a payout over the course of a longer period, the German law and our terms of use provide that we (gut.org gemeinnützige AG, operator of betterplace.org) use the money for our tax-deductible purposes. The same applies to the cancellation of a project, where the manager of the project is unable to realize it.
Therefore we will use these donations for the following purposes
Thanks for your support,
the betterplace.org-team
Waisenhauser 47 C/O D. EL Antony