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Deutschlands größte Spendenplattform

Hudara Ngo

wird verwaltet von betterplace-Team

Über uns

Hudara is an impartial organization that works with Climate change, Mental Health and wellbeing, and social justice. We have different projects that operate in the Global south. In Bangladesh, communities join forces to preserve natural mangrove forests, support each other and secure their economic base of life. In Egypt, students learn about energy poverty and how to apply innovative technologies to create sustainable solutions and to foster social development. In Jordan, primary health care workers are trained to strengthen their role to identify and to support survivors of gender-based violence. In Iraq, youth participates in creative and psychosocial activities and develop their visions of peaceful coexistence. In Mayotte, together with locals we work on transitioning to renewable energy systems that are owned and accepted by all community stakeholders.


Rollbergstrasse 26


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