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"Feminine Star Africa"

wird verwaltet von Raymond Elikem Agbo

Über uns

Feminine Star Africa is born out of passion for women and children who are a vulnerable group.

Our aim is to empower women and girls to become self- reliant by equipping them with skills, knowledge and a platform that promotes self-sustenance.

Feminine Star Africa provides social interventions through education, skills training, mentoring, micro business and scholarships for women and girls to attain their fullest potentials.

We support girls from underprivileged homes to access quality education. We give scholarships and educational materials to every girl with determination and the zeal for a better life. Our scholarships are not limited to academic performance but proven record of commitment and struggle for a better life.

We stand for integrity to impact the lives of people making them resourceful through creativity and innovation for financial self-sufficiency.


P. o. Box 327 Hohoe, Matvin Junction, 4

Raymond Elikem Agbo

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