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Access to Solar Technologies Ltd.

wird verwaltet von Joseph Wanume

Über uns

Access to Solar Technologies is an enterprise organization, Its aim is to fight energy poverty through distributing Renewable energy to disadvantaged communities in Uganda (Off grid communities).
Our Vision is to be the leading distributor of clean renewable energy solutions in Uganda.
Our Mission is to enable access to affordable, reliable, renewable energy solutions and sustainable development.
Core Values; Empathy, integrity and professionalism
Solar energy is in everyone’s mouth in the Western Countries. Unfortunately, for our Uganda Communities, this still lacking for communities to have renewable energy services. Solar energy systems are often very expensive, Yet the sun is shining plenty on Ugandan soil. Access to Solar Technologies is trying to change this narative! With especially designed solar systems for off-grid use, we want to bring electricity even to the hard to reach villages and poorest household.


Jinja Plot. 40 Ripon/Iganga Road, Jinja City

Joseph Wanume

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