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Welfare Association for Development Alternative

wird verwaltet von Nilufa Akter .

Über uns

Basic Information:

Name of the organization: Welfare Association for Development Alternative
Nick Name : WADA

Nature of the organization: Non-government, Non-political, Not-profitable, voluntary services organization for socio-economic development of Bangladesh.

Date of Establishment: 10 September 2011

Legal Status:

1. Department of Social Services, under the ministry of Social Welfare of the govt. of Bangladesh, Reg. No.Bager-916/11, Date:01.11.2011

Background of the Organization:

Welfare Association for Development Alternative (WADA) has been established as a non governmental, non-political voluntary services development organization. From the beginning of its development intervention WADA started its activities only with the disadvantage rural community in Bagerhat district of Bangladesh where women and children was neglected and empower less. WADA established with a view to help those unfortunate poor community through child education, women & girls empowerment, health and nutrition, rural agricultural, fisheries & livestock development, water and sanitation, sustainable renewable energy development, disaster management, human rights, child rights, HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, development of disable people, rehabilitation of prostitute, social awareness and mobilization, orphans & older development.

Vision of WADA:
Vision of WADA is a world free from all forms of exploitation and discrimination where everyone has the opportunity to realize their potential.

Mission of WADA:
Mission statement of WADA is to empower the people of communities through releasing from the situations of vulnerability, poverty, illiteracy, disability and social injustice.


 Innovation
 Integrity
 Inclusiveness
 Effectiveness

Objectives of WADA

Main Objectives

The main objective of WADA is to develop the socio-economic status & condition of the poor peoples through implementation of sustainable development activities

Specific Objectives:

•Empower vulnerable women
•Reduce child and women trafficking.
•Reduce poverty & vulnerability through income generating activities.
•Established empowerment of the women & adolescent girls.
•Reduce early marriage & dowry in the community.
•Reduce poverty of the marginal family.
•Increase knowledge about their personal life.
•Increase sanitation and hygiene practice in their family.
•Unite and strength women of poor community.
•Eradicating illiteracy through education & training
•Organize and mobilize the destitute and disadvantaged poor, women and men.
•Implement, manage and control development issues for their own socio-economic development thus improve livelihood standard;
•Build awareness of the people on issues of socio-economic structure and their role in the development process;
•Improve health and sanitation situation of children, women and men through health education and mobilization of available public and private resources and services;
•Change the status of children, women and men through promotion of rights of children, women and the people of the community as a whole;
•Mobilize community based institutions and develop institutional capabilities to address the social barriers through collective efforts;
•Eradicate poverty through utilization of internal and external resources;
•Campaign anti-drug education and to aware about AIDS & STDs;
•Improve health care facilities, MCH and FP services;
•Rehabilitate the affected victims of women & child trafficking & acid burns;
•Implement pilot projects to create employment opportunities for the target beneficiaries;
•Ensuring good governance

Strategy of WADA:

•Provide the target groups with different need based training for improving professional efficiency;
•Support different need base inputs and others needs;
•Create opportunity for exploring and mobilizing locally available resources;
•Ensure women participation in the development activities and raising awareness for preventing child abuse; cruelty on women, strengthening sound gender relation, increasing income of women through various IGAs
•Linkage with local government and govt. officials.
•Monitoring and continuous supervision.
•Mid term, short terms and final evaluation
•Impact assessments
•Exit strategy and linkage with different service providers

Ideologies of WADA:

•Participation in decision making and promotion of participatory approaches at all levels;
•Self evaluation and constructive criticism;
•Mutual respect, unity, discipline and cooperation;
•Honesty, transparency and accountability at all level;
•Dedication and sincerity;

Development Approaches of WADA:

•Participatory development.
•Collaboration, partnership and networking with national and international development organizations.
•Community based resource management.
•Indigenous knowledge based development.
•Right based.
•Grass root democratization.
•Gender mainstreaming.

Target Group:

•Vulnerable women groups
•Vulnerable children groups
•Vulnerable Adolescent girls & boys group
•Disables from poor households
•Rural poor farmers
•Vulnerable adolescent girls group
•Orphans and older peoples


230 Sonatola, Dashani Karapara Cross Road
Bagerhat Sadar

Nilufa Akter .

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