I triggered a (partial)payout for these needs:
The requested amount shall be used to embark upon on the save the children from blind, deaf and mental disorder.
it will be used to by frame glasses that lenses for children with visual disability, treat those with hearing problems and those having mental illnesses through diagnosing process.
Also pay for medical bills for all children who shall be found with these problems.
Also some of the money shall be used to buy reading materials for those with blind cases and set up a school for teaching them how to read and write.
Some of the money shall also be used to do advocacy campaigns to attract more philanthropist to come and assist them more not to forsake or neglect them in society, but treat them equally for them to enjoy healthy living lifestyles.
A donation amount of €400.00 was requested for the following needs:
- Save Children From Blind, Deaf and Mental Disorder €400.00