Last Reminder: Donate Doubly with Nicole Oliver and Ingrid Nilson
Denis D. wrote on 14-11-2014

Charity Chitchat 2
on November 15 at 5:30 p.m. EST (10:30 p.m. UTC)
with Nicole Oliver, Ingrid Nilson,
and donation matching!
The chitchat. While a scheduling conflict prevents Maud Pie from meeting Princess Celestia and Cheerilee, all of them will meet you! Oh, and Boulder too!
Nicole Oliver and Ingrid Nilson have agreed to join us for two one-hour interviews from 6 p.m. EST and 8:30 p.m. EST respectively to chitchat with our Ponyville Live hosts about their profession, life, and whatever other topics you suggest in the viewer chat, so be at your best behavior!
The charity. Charity Chitchat 2 will benefit the Against Malaria Foundation, who provide life-saving mosquito nets in regions ravaged by malaria. These insecticide-treated bed nets are one of the most cost-effective interventions in existence. Few other charities can save as many lives with your donation!
The donation matching. As if the charisma of Nicole Oliver and Ingrid Nilson wasn’t enough reason to fund a few dozen life-saving malaria nets at once, an anonymous donor has also agreed to match donations up to $1,465 during the time of the stream. Your $3 donation will buy two bed nets instead of one! Both will depend on your donation—no one can donate for you!
And if anyone should still doubt that this is the right time to give to AMF, please read this description of the organization and watch this excellent TEDx talk by Dr. Toby Ord.