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managed by R. Creosteanu

About us

BABELE’s aim is to create an online platform devoted to the collaborative creation, management and deployment of sustainable development projects.

The social problem? Sustainable development projects often lack the resources (knowledge, network, skills and funds) to structure all activities effectively, as well as to grow in scale and scope.
Our challenge? ‘Change Makers’ come to the BABELE platform with an idea; they follow our easy methodology and use simple tools to develop a business plan while receiving continuous support from our online community; they plan all the tasks and activities required to meet the project’s objectives; and raise sufficient funds to achieve measured performance objectives and the desired social impact.
Our mission? To introduce a new paradigm in the way projects are shaped and managed based on open source collaboration that aims to engage local communities and individuals in the design and implementation of sustainable development projects.


66 rue Greneta

R. Creosteanu

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